Commission Paper 4: Corporate Governance

The Commission’s paper on Corporate Governance is densely packed.

It’s certainly true that it sometimes seems that the compostion of the ICANN board sometimes seem  a bit like choosing poachers for a committee to decide on the rules for gamekeepers.

So it seems there’s some significant merit in requiring ICANN to address the Commission’s concerns in Paper 4.

And whilst I have the highest of respect for former ICANN Chairman, Peter Dengate-Thrush, a tireless and indefatigable player in the ICANN drama since its early days, for him to take up a highly-paid Board position with a company that stands to benefit dramatically from ICANN’s new gTLD program is unfortunate to say the least.

When UK civil servants join private industry, there is a period of purdah. Something similar should be considered by those responsible for ICANN’s corporate ethics.

Oh, and by the way, can anyone tell me who that is?


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